SPALD Learning Support


To provide an opportunity to build and consolidate key skills in numeracy and literacy in order to underpin the Maths and English curriculum.


Key concepts that underpin the curriculum
  • Independent learning
  • Gain confidence and tackle problems
  • Increase reading age
  • Increase spelling age
  • Increase understanding of counting principles
  • Practice memorising arithmetic facts
  • Develop number sense


How does our curriculum shape learners?

Students gain confidence to use their reading, spelling and mathematical skills across the curriculum, aiding their progress.
As a result, our students improve their literacy and numeracy skills, enabling them to better tackle their qualifications at the end of KS4.


Year 7 LS lessons are made up of a three part structure, consisting of independent reading, IDL literacy and IDL numeracy. The IDL programmes are designed to allow the student to progress through the modules at their own pace, based on their attainment at each stage. Their achievement is monitored and stored throughout the online programme in order to allow them to further progress in year 8.
Year 8 LS lessons are made up of a three part structure, consisting of independent reading, IDL literacy and IDL numeracy picking up from where they left off in year 7. The IDL programmes are designed to allow the student to progress through the modules at their own pace, based on their attainment at each stage. Their achievement is monitored and stored throughout the online programme in order to allow them to further progress in year 9.
Year 9  LS lessons are made up of a three part structure, consisting of independent reading, IDL literacy and IDL numeracy picking up from where they left off in year 8. The IDL programmes are designed to allow the student to progress through the modules at their own pace, based on their attainment at each stage. The progress is monitored throughout the online programme providing a useful benchmark for the start of year 10.
Year 10  We continue the IDL literacy and numeracy programmes alongside a class reader. Students will be exposed to wider literature and cultural capital, in order to build up vocabulary and literacy skills applicable to Entry Level and GCSE.
Year 11  Students will continue to focus on building literacy skills through wider reading and a skills builder programme. Students will be exposed to wider literature, cultural capital, and vocabulary as well as build up skills that are applicable to Paper 1 and 2 on the language GCSE. It will also enable those that are taking the Literature GCSE to hone those skills too.


Key features of learning

We provide a variety of activities to aid students to become independent readers and writers through practice and consolidation of their skills. This programme is devised to be multi-sensory and develop links between auditory, visual and tactile pathways, in order to embed skills that are needed both for qualifications and success in the wider world.


What will you see in lessons?
  • Interactive computer programmes
  • Use of visuals, including film clips.
  • Work sheets.
  • Opportunities to articulate and discuss thinking.
  • Specific practice of vocabulary informed by Elklan strategies eg word maps.
  • Encouragement to use visual aids.


What will you see in books?

Key Stage 3:

  • Reading log
  • Independent work on reading activities


Key Stage 4:

  • Reading logs
  • Elklan activities
  • Literacy work


What formative assessment will you see?

This is monitored through the IDL programmes.