Emotional Health & Wellbeing

At Hayes, we recognise that there are times when it is possible that you may need some extra support and help to manage unfamiliar situations and feelings. The Hayes Pastoral Team is well experienced and able to provide some support in school however, the following websites may be useful if you need additional support and guidance. Whilst we aim to support in every way we can,  there is a wide range of external support available which maybe a good starting point for you.

If you wish to discuss further please contact a member of the pastoral team.

You can contact any of the team below either by coming to speak to them during the school day or by emailing wellbeing@hayes.bromley.sch.uk.

If a student has a safeguarding concern that they wish to report either about themselves or another student then they can do so using MyVoice.


Our Safeguarding Team:
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Email:
Mr O Robbins - Assistant Headteacher OMR@hayes.bromley.sch.uk
Deputy Safeguarding Team:  
Mr D Loomes - Assistant Headteacher DJL@hayes.bromley.sch.uk
Miss M Toner - Senior Deputy Headteacher postmaster@hayes.bromley.sch.uk
Mrs K Bradley - Inclusion Manager KJB@hayes.bromley.sch.uk
Mr C Steel - Pastoral Support Manager  CAS@hayes.bromley.sch.uk
Mr A Allred - Assistant Headteacher and Head of Sixth Form  AKA@hayes.bromley.sch.uk
Miss A Horsler - Sixth Form Director ALH@hayes.bromley.sch.uk
Mrs D Parish - Pastoral Support Manager DIP@hayes.bromley.sch.uk
Mrs S Arney - Deputy Headteacher SLA@hayes.bromley.sch.uk


Anna Freud Resource - Talking Mental Health with Young People

Anna Freud Resource - 7 Ways to support young people with Anxiety

Bromley Y for counselling support, group support and family therapy

Kooth - Online Mental Health Support

TellMi- An app-based peer support program for young people aged 11-25 with moderators and available counsellors

Papyrus - Suicide Prevention for young people

Young Minds - supporting children and young people with emotional health and wellbeing concerns, offering a wide range of resources across a whole spectrum of issues affecting children and young people

Epic Friends - Support for young people who are providing support friends with mental health difficulties

Bromley Bereavement Service - phone number: 020 8290 1476 or 07799 671 881 - offers community bereavement support for adults and children.

The Candle Project – St Christophers- supporting children and young people through loss and bereavement

Cruse Bereavement Care

Winston’s Wish - offers practical and emotional support for bereaved children & young people, their families and professionals supporting them.

Young Minds Grief and Loss

Mind have put together some useful information around mental health in the pandemic.

Staying well at Home: Coping with Stress and Anxiety

The workbook above has been compiled for young people by the National Youth Agency to provide them with practical strategies to cope with anxiety and stress they may be experiencing through the Coronavirus pandemic.

Staying well at Home: Coping with Feelings of Frustration and Anger

The workbook above has been compiled for young people by the NYA to provide them with practical strategies to cope with feelings of anger and frustration that they may be experiencing through the Coronavirus pandemic.

Young Minds have put together a range of intuitive resources to support young people’s mental health throughout the pandemic.

National Domestic Abuse Helpline

Women's Aid

NSPCC - Domestic Abuse

Women and Girls Network (WGN) is a free, women-only service providing a holistic response to women and girls who have experienced, or are at risk of, gendered violence. 

Bromley Changes - Drug and alcohol support for young people

NHS - Drug addiction support

Support Line - London based charity offering support

Talk to Frank - Drug use support

Turning Point - Alcohol and drug support

Rehab 4 Addiction is an advisory and referral service for people who suffer from alcohol, drug and behavioural addiction.

ABC - Anorexia and Bulimia Care

Beat - Eating Disorder Charity

Mind - Eating Disorder Support

NHS - Eating Disorder Support

Family Lives - National charity providing support for all aspects of family life

NHS - information for parents of children who may be transgender or non binary.

Young Minds - information for parents supporting their children through gender identity issues.

Stonewall for young LGBTQ people

The Proud Trust - home of LGBT+ Youth

Proud Connections - Live chat available between 12pm – 6pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays

Metro Snap- LGBTPQ+ support for young people aged 16-25 within Bromley

Come out and say it - a guide to answer questions you might have about gender, sexuality and identity

Find a local LGBT+ youth group near you


Breck Foundation - Charity campaigning for safer internet for children and young people

CEOP - Keeping children and young people safe from exploitation on-line, resources and advice for children & young people, parents/carers and professionals.

Cyber Bullying support from Family Lives

NSPCC - Online Safety Support

Safer Internet - Information for parents/carers and school staff relating to sextortion

Report Remove - from Childline, which helps young people remove indecent images online

Take it Down - helps to prevent indecent underage images from being shared online

Mind - Self Harm Support

NHS - Self Harm Information

NSPCC - Support on Self Harm

Young Minds - Self Harm Information

SelfHarm.co.uk - Free online support for 10-17 year olds

Calmharm.stem4.org.uk - A free app to support teenagers with managing the urge to self-harm.

One in Four provide a range of specialist support for survivors of sexual violence, domestic violence and abuse, and particularly survivors of child sexual abuse and trauma

The Survivors Trust provides a range of support services (including counselling) for survivors of sexual abuse

NSPCC Helpline for people who have experienced sexual harassment or abuse in education 0800 136 663

Childline - A free point of contact for children and young people who need advice either online or via telephone on a wide range of issues, depression, abuse, bullying etc.

The Mix - Support for Under 25’s in a range of different areas.

NSPCC - Keeping children and young people safe from a wide range of abusive situations.