Pastoral Care
Positive behaviour and high self-esteem promote effective learning. Pastoral care at Hayes School aims to support our students such that they are able to achieve their potential in all aspects of their school career.
We work together to ensure that all students at Hayes School are able to be safe, happy and successful.
The Tutorial Programme in all years aims to:
"Raise students' confidence, and help them to develop interpersonal skills, social skills and communication skills in preparation for adult life."
Students register with their tutor group at the start and end of the day. The Form Tutor is the first point of contact for students and parents. Form Tutors are supported by Achievement Coordinators who have overall responsibility for the year group.
- Assistant Headteacher (Sixth Form) - Mr A Allred
- Sixth Form Director - Mrs K Moulton Brady
- Sixth Form Director - Miss A Horsler
- Year 11 Achievement Co-ordinator - Mr J Brockman
- Assistant Headteacher - Mr D Hazlehurst
- Year 10 Achievement Co-ordinator - Mr M Mitchell
- Assistant Headteacher - Mr T Goodman
- Year 9 Achievement Co-ordinator - Ms A Williamson
- Assistant Headteacher - Mrs P Aliwell
- Year 8 Achievement Co-ordinator - Mr D Redding
- Assistant Headteacher - Miss K Owen
- Year 7 Achievement Co-ordinator - Mr J Brett
- Assistant Headteacher - Mr D Loomes
Pastoral Support Managers - Mr C Steel and Mrs D Parish
Supervision Room Manager - Mr A Owoeye
Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) - Mrs P Aliwell
Deputy SENCO - Mrs F Rogers
Assistant SENCO - Mrs G Leng
Learning Mentor - Mrs N Jackson
Sixth Form Learning Mentor - Mrs E McNamara
Careers Leader - Mrs C Stewart
Oxbridge & Russell Group Co-ordinator - Mr J Stephens
Inclusion Support Assistant - Ms C Stone
Inclusion Support Assistant - Mrs R Wisbey