Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is: | |
Mr O. Robbins, Assistant Headteacher | |
Our Safeguarding Team are: | |
Mr D. Loomes - Assistant Headteacher and Designated Teacher | |
Ms K. Bradley - Inclusion Manager | |
Mr C. Steel - Pastoral Support Manager | |
Mrs D. Parish - Pastoral Support Manager | |
Miss A. Horsler - Sixth Form Director | |
Mr A. Allred - Assistant Headteacher and Head of Sixth Form | |
Miss M. Toner - Senior Deputy Headteacher | |
Mrs S. Arney - Deputy Headteacher | |
If a student has a safeguarding concern that they wish to report either about themselves or another student then they can do so using MyVoice.
Our Designated Child Protection & Safeguarding Governor is Ms C Perrott.
Click here to access our Trust and School policies, including our Child Protection and Safeguarding policy.
Click the document below to access our 'Safeguarding and Safety Information for Visitors'.
Safeguarding and Safety Information for Visitors
Local Information and Links
Bromley Children and Families Hub: Point of contact within Bromley for Early Help services as well as social care support for young people in the local authority. 020 8461 7373 /7309
Bromley Safeguarding children Partnership (BSCP): Bromley Safeguarding Children Partnership (BSCP) is a multi-agency working in partnership with different agencies and organisations to protect and promote the welfare of children and young people in the borough. BSCP includes early years and education establishments, health commissioners and providers, Local Authority, Metropolitan Police, probation and justice services, CAFCASS, voluntary and community sector as well as lay members.